Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Do I Take Care Of A Crocus Plant?

I'm new at taking care of flowers and plants. It's a new hobby for me. I just bought my first Crocus plant, but not exactly sure how to take care of it...besides watering it. It hasn't bloomed yet, but it will be very beautiful when it does. If anyone out there knows a good bit about plants, I would be gratefull for your advice.

How Do I Take Care Of A Crocus Plant?
Crocus will take care of itself. However, you probably want more than one. A lone crocus is a sorry sight. Buy a bag of 50 crocus bulbs. Walk through the sunn part of your yard and drop the crosus bulbs down about three at a time. Plant where they fall. This is called naturalized. You can add daffodils to this mix too. Crocus will be the first plants to arrive in the spring. They will stick their blooms up in the snow. By the time they are done blooming, the trees will have leaves but you will not have to worry about tree leaves when crocus come up. Because they are so early you have lots of places you can choose to plant because they bloom long before other plants and trees leaf out. Do not cut back the leaves that they leave behind. These leaves gather the nutrients that the bulb needs to reproduce itself and to flower in the following year. If you cut the leaves, you may not have a flowering crocus the next year. A pot is not a natural place for a crocus so if you are keeping it indoors, you may not be to successful keeping it alive. It may bloom once and die.
Reply:Crocus grows well when there is alot of sunlight but some perfer the shade, also they cant be cut unitl after they wilt. also wait until the last frost pass to plant. They need full sunlight in a well drained area and you can even plant them in your grass for that wildflower appeal.
Reply:Full sun to partial shade. I live in New England and the ones we have outside bloom in the spring.

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