Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can you plant crocus bulbs in your lawn?

If you plant crocus bulbs in your lawn, will they grow up through it and flower? Will they be harmed when you mow the lawn?

Can you plant crocus bulbs in your lawn?
Definitely yes so long as you live in an area where they grow! I have them in my lawn and they are quite beautiful in the early spring. The plant is usually dried up and dormant about the time I need to first mow, so they aren't harmed in any way.

Oh, btw. If you use specific colors you can make designs or patterns in the lawn. I've seen someone put a giant US Flag in their front lawn. The design doesn't last forever, but they look good for a couple of years.
Reply:As the others have said yes you can 2 to3 ins deep and 2 to 4 ins apart

Reply:Yes you can and they look beautiful! By the time you will need to mow the lawn they will have gone into dormancy, so no problem with mowing.

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