Monday, November 16, 2009

Another painting...?

i don't really want to put this one into my portfolio.. but my instructor loves it... or the fact that its done on crocus cloth...

well... anyway.. what do you think...?

Another painting...?
it seems really flat to me, and is rather, well, cliche. there is nothing about it that is very advanced.

i don't love it either. it isn't bad, but it isn't great.

sorry for the blatant honesty....

i am an art history major and studio minor about to graduate in the spring, so i hope you will understand that i am looking at this from the college level of art criticism... and above... this piece is not one of them.

i am sure you have some much better artwork that isn't so flat-looking. take your portfolio to another level above the rest. there is more to you than this, so take it with stride and to the next level.
Reply:*blatant Report It

Reply:When your putting a portfolio together keep in mind that you are attempting to show that you can work in different medias. I have not seen your other works, so I cannot really give you an informed okay. All I know for experiance that when you you put your portfolio together you must show your abiltities as an artist, and be able to show your interviewer that you are not only different from other artists, but also your experiance in different medias. The artwork is not pleasing to my eye, but does all art have to be pleasing? Look at Pasco's Guernica, for it about war and the killing of so many innocent lives. It's not a lovely painting, but the work is powerful. Don't always go for beauty in your art, and what is the better picture. Think also about the power behind the image. In that respect...I would place that work in my folder. When the interviewer looks at it and asks you about can tell him or her all about the symbolic aspects and what this work means. All the best and Good Luck!
Reply:Playing around quite beautifully...

You are becoming a wonderful artist and show great potential...

If I were to see this and it had no name... I would immediately call it "Learning contentment."

It is lovely...
Reply:It's interesting...and why not put it in your portfolio? It's a part of you, and what you've, be proud of it. ;)
Reply:Remember that beauty and ugliness lie on the viewer's eyes, but meaning is within the artist's heart. Personally I find it a bit naive, kinda meaningless for you. If a picture does not scream what's in your soul, then there's no point in art.

Hope it helps.
Reply:whoa! what a difference from subliminal! I found this one to be busy... like three separate themes on the same surface... the angel is wonderful........ then there are the feathers... and then there are all the squiggles.... if I were analyzing this one, I'd say the angel was fighting to get free of all the bushes and brambles...
Reply:This painting is awsome! it kind of kicks me in the gut when i see it, as if says 'wake up from ur dreams and take flight with me!' put it in ur portfolio for sure!

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